Wednesday, December 16, 2009

THURSDAY 9 days!

Im feeling much better this evening. Last night Gone with the Wind was on tcm. I watched most of it. I know how it ends, begins and everything in between. I've seen it a million times. Growing up that was the movie my mother and i would fall asleep to. But i see Scarlett way different than back then. I always knew she was strong but wow. The sacrifices she makes. oh i am going to deliver some gifts. back later.
I had found some goodies for my friend Ashley. I took them over to her today. I was going to wait until Christmas, but she has been so kind to go to work early for me the last two days. And help with the kids. I dont think she could ever know how much she means to me. She has been here so much since i have met her. We've only known each other a year, but i honestly dont know how i could survive with out her. She is a corner stone in my life.
It is 9 days until Christmas, and do you know, I am not dreading it. Unlike past years when winter would just reach into my soul and tear me to shreds. This year I love it. The cold not so much. But I am so grateful this year there is no room for that " This isnt what Christmas is about" or "I have all these gifts to buy". This year I'm not worried about buying the perfect gift. This year I just want everyone to be together, happy joyous and free.

1 comment:

  1. I knew, someday, you would see Scarlett, the way I do...She was amazing... And by the way, so are you...
    Love ya,
