Sunday, December 13, 2009

Me and My babies. I don't have a camera so i used my web cam. Extremely difficult. At first, they didn't want to come to me. So i went to them laying on the floor. Aren't they beautiful. They really save me sometimes, and kill me others Ha ha! No treats were even necessary for this photo shoot! Maggie(middle) i adopted shortly after i moved into my home 3 and 1/2 years ago. She has more love than any dog Ive ever met. She just wants to be good, so bad. And to be loved. She wants to be a lap dog, but thankfully she knows better. She is very big, long legs and an even longer tail that i still don't think she is aware of until it knocks something over. Then shes goes running away so afraid of what just happened! Pierre, was originally my boyfriends dog.He is very mellow, and likes his alone time. Unless I am in the kitchen. Or at the table. (I didnt raise him to be a beggar, Someone else did!) But when food isnt around he just keeps to himself. Dont get me wrong he loves being loved. He just doesnt get overly excited about it.(Like someone else i know) I could tell he didnt know what to think of sociable Maggie when they first met. But they soon fell for each other. When Nick and Pierre moved out, it was then end of the world for those 2. Pierre(who will devour a pot roast in seconds) wasnt eating. And Maggie just moped around. We knew this couldnt go on. So Pierre moved back in. And they are so happy. They are best friends. I couldnt have done this better myself. They truly are my babies.


  1. Hey Sweetie!
    Love the images! And, yes, they truly are 'your babies'. They love you so, and I'm glad they are there, to protect and serve...{And eat you out of house and home!} They are the best...and soo are you!
    Love, Mom....

  2. Hey Liz...
    I left my comment to you, on the last comment you made on my blog!
    I Love You Too!
