Wednesday, January 13, 2010

jan 13 2010

so my Mom got me a great camera for christmas. You would have thought i would have had my pictures all over my blog by now. well better late then never i guess. I absolutly can not wait until it gets warmer. I know a true photographer would never let mother nature's blistering cold hold them back, but i guess that is why i am not one. It did get a little warmer today. I went for a run. . .OUTSIDE! I had forgotten how wonderful it felt to have the sun on my face.(and not be frozen). It reminded me that the world does have love. Its that indescribable good feeling. love is the only word i can label it as. I already have lots of pictures. I treat my dogs like children in the fact that i take millions of pictures of them and think EVERYONE will want to see them. i also had a blast taking pictures at work. Well when the kids weren't being huge hams! I think it starts at a young age. . the whole "let me see that picture you just took of me" deal.They will never understand how it felt when you had to wait for them to get developed to even know IF they turned out. Plus i am the kind of person where once i get started taking pictures, its hard for me to stop. So i am trying to download over 250 pictures right now. Im not posting any of my pics from work. I dont think that would be right. But all the other ones, well some. But i cant wait to get out in nature, and the city! Architecture out in the world, man or nature made. oh. . and somehow i am now following myself on this thing. . . you know im following my own blog. i dont know whats going on i tried to follow polly. . . and well this is what happened. ugh oops.? maybe i am on polly's too. i dont really know.


  1. Cool Liz... I am glad you like the camera!
    Love Mom

  2. So, why aren't you putting more stuff on???? Did that camera quit???
    I'll call ya, next time! How would you like to help Mark and I set up in Anamosa, Saturday?
    Think about it...We would love to have your muscle...and company!
    Love, Mom

  3. Well said Miss Liz! Great to see you at the show. Thanks for the hug. I can't wait to get outside jogging again. My old body is scared of the ice right now, so I guess it's just me and my treadmill for a bit yet! Have a great Sunday evening!

  4. Hey you... Thanks for the Sweet Comment!
    I Love You Bunches!!!!
